Reference- 4
Paint Manager (continued)
The Composite Method controls how the colors of a bristle will interact with colors that area already on the canvas.
The gradient can be adjusted in several ways. Both the Base and Gradient colors each have their own transparency setting:
To its right are the settings for the gradient type and direction, with the gradient type currently set to "none":
Directional and radial gradients are defined by clicking the mouse at the point the gradient change will begin, and drawing a line in the direction the gradient will flow:
Paint Manager (continued)
A radial gradient:
A directional gradient with the cyclic option enabled:
There are many interesting effects that can be had with gradients, especially when combined with other settings like transparency and rotation. In this particular sample, a base color with a transparent gradient was used to create the background. Another brush, consisting of bristles that were essentially straight lines, with jitter, was used for the vertical striations. Finally, the Sharpen filter was used to add some "roughness" and additional color variation: