Reference- 14
Paint Manager (continued)
Image (continued)
At the most basic level, the image can be used unmodified. Here, the bristle, was simply stroked once to the left, and once back to the right (The overall appearance may vary, depending on the speed of your computer):
Setting the filter color to black (or a sufficiently dark color), setting the minimum and maximum tolerance values up to about 60, yields this result:
Enabling the Use settings from color tab option along with with the Hue component, reducing the Density setting (under the Alpha tab) to about 50, and changing the Base color under the Color tab to a blue color, yields an entirely different effect:
Paint Manager (continued)
Image (continued)
Reducing the Density setting (under the Alpha tab) to about 8 yields this output:
Increasing the Density setting to 100, and enabling the Rows option under Randomize will produce two completely different effects depending on the direction of the strokes. Vertical strokes produce this result:
Horizontal strokes produce this result: