Reference- 13
Paint Manager (continued)
Allows the use of an image as a bristle's "color", with several options to control its appearance.

As its name suggests, the Load... button is used to select an image file. The image can be of any size, but smaller images tend to make it a lot easier on memory usage. Image files can be any of the supported formats (jpg, tiff, bmp, png, and gif).
Paint Manager (continued)
Once the image is loaded, the manner in which it is actually rendered can be altered in several ways:
- The Color... button allows the selection of a color to be filtered from the image (leaving those portions transparent). The minimum and maximum Tolerance values can be used to expand the amount of filtering that takes place: The higher the tolerance, the greater number of colors that will be filtered. If the minimum and maximum values are different, a random value between the two will be calculated for each rendering cycle.
- The Use settings from color tab option, if enabled, will substitute any of the three color components (Hue, Saturation, or Brightness with those belonging to the color selected in the Color tab.
- The Randomize option will reorder the rows, columns, or individual pixels in an image, based on which option is selected. For the following samples, an image will be used that will probably be familiar to a lot of Blender fans: