Reference- 19
The canvas is the window where textures are painted. Its toolbar is fairly straightforward:
1. Paint tool - this tool is activated to enable painting on the canvas.
2. Rectangular selection tool - allows selection areas of the screen that are rectangular in shape. Once a selection has been made, it can be expanded by holding down the CTRL key and drawing a rectangle to enclose the additional area (you must start from outside the selection). Once a selection is active, any modifications to the image will be confined to the region inside the selection. The selection can be moved by clicking inside the selection and dragging it to its new location. To deselect an area, click on the canvas outside the selection, or type CTRL-SHIFT-A. The selection can be inverted by typing CTRL-I, or re-selected by typing CTRL-T.
3. Circular selection tool - performs an identical function to the rectangular selection tool, but having a different shape.
4. Eye dropper - Used to select a color from the canvas that will serve as the "center" color for any filtering.
5. Displays the color selected with the eye dropper.
Canvas (continued)
6. Filter activate/deactivate - enables or disables the filter function.
7. Tolerance setting - presents a dialog allowing the specification of a tolerance value. This value represents the distance on either side of the selected color that will be targeted for filtering.
File menu
Save Image...: Presents a dialog that allows the document to be saved at a specified location on a hard disk or other medium. This item is available only after a texture has been saved.
Save As...: Works in the same manner as Save Image..., except that it is always enabled.
Save Changes: Saves any modifications that have been made to a texture since the last time it was saved.
Revert...: Returns the texture to the version that was last saved.